
Samsung Galaxy S9’s Bixby Vision Translates Foreign Languages Instantly

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The greater value of Live Translation with Bixby Vision

There’s a long list of special features from the Samsung S9 and S9+ we could talk about here. Understandably, the majority are focusing on Camera Reimagined, super-slo-mo, infinity display and AR offerings. Here, though, we’d like to focus on the significance of Bixby Vision and, more specifically, Live Translation.

The strapline on Samsung’s website: Now we’re speaking your language.

And it’s true. Samsung S9 and S9+ users will now be able to explore the world with their very own handheld translator: Bixby. Instantly, a world of languages can be translated in real time using the camera function, opening a world of opportunity for the travellers of the world.

samsung galaxy s9 bixby vision translate

Why focus on this particular feature?

Until recently, you needed to download an often-unreliable third-party app to translate text using your camera. Bixby, however, has had the ability to translate text since it was first introduced – but, more often than not, the process was long and you’d have been better off nipping over to Google Translate to get the job done faster.

Now, with key improvements made, it’s as simple as holding up your phone to a foreign phrase in front of you. It’s the camera that reads what your own eyes cannot.

Cool party trick, right?

Actually, there’s more to it than just that. It lifts the lid from a deep well of benefits, similar to those of what you gain by actually learning a new language.

  • Great for travelling
  • Keep up with the global economy
  • Meet and talk with new people
  • Boosts creativity
  • Builds self-confidence

Auto-translate machines will never be a match for learning a new language, but it certainly seems like a logical gateway into seeing the benefits of learning the real thing after having discovered the wonderful benefits of seeing more of the world, learning about culture, and embracing what the world has to offer.

Something like Bixby’s Live Translation could, in essence, open up for wider conversation and understanding between different countries and cultures.  You can see Bixby Vision in action in the video below.

Sounds good, no? The Samsung Galaxy S9 is available to order now at Direct Mobiles.


Our hands-on with the Samsung Galaxy S9:

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