
5 Helpful Apple Music Tips You Should Know

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If you are using Apple Music, it’s important you know the secret ins and outs of the app. Here are 5 super helpful Apple Music Tips that will make listening to music even more enjoyable.

In May 2018, Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, announced their streaming service and rival to Spotify. Apple Music now has more than 50 million users. Second only to Spotify, Apple Music’s rate of growth means it is catching up with the market leader.

If you are one of the 50 million users are you getting the most you can from the service? Many users don’t know the hidden features and useful tricks. Read on to learn 5 helpful Apple Music tips you should know.

1. Edit Library Tabs

Click on the “Edit” button in the top right of the “Library” page of the app and you can change what tabs appear in the library. Select or unselect the tabs you want to appear or remove. You might prefer to use the “Composers” tab rather than “Albums”.

You can also change the order these tabs appear. Click on and then drag the three lined button, up or down. Place the menu tabs you use most at the top of your list for easy navigation.

2. Wake Up Tune

If you like to wake up to music in your bedroom there’s a feature in Apple Music that lets you do just that. When setting a new alarm, you can specify the “Sound” you want to hear. Instead of choosing one of the pre-set ringtones, choose a song from your music library.

3. Tell Apple What You Like

At the bottom of your screen, you will find the “For You” tab. It’s the one with the heart icon. This is where you tell Apple what music you love.

This is where you will find the “New Music Mix” playlist and details of music you have been listening to recently. Apple recommends music they think you will like here but it’s possible for Apple to get this wrong.

If you have been listening to music with other people you may have given Apple the wrong idea about your musical taste. Playing Disney tunes from Frozen for the kids may mean Apple Music recommends music from Moana. Your real love, Metallica, may not appear in the recommendations.

Clicking on your profile reveals the “Find More Artists and Curators” tab. A visual representation of your musical tastes appears. Tapping on the bubbles lets you tell Apple Music what you are in to. You can ask Apple Music to add “More Artists” or type in your own choices by selecting “Add an Artist”.

“Love” and “Dislike” buttons appear when you click on the menu button on the album and song screens. Using these is another way of letting Apple Music know what music floats your boat.

4. EQ Your Music

EQ can be found in your “Settings”. Select “Music” and then “EQ”. Here you can adjust the bass and treble.

You can also select a suitable sound for the genre of music you are playing. Try out the different options till you find one that works well for your favorite music.

5. Sing Along

Ever wanted to sing along to the track you’ve selected? Well, you can have your own personal karaoke by displaying the lyrics while listening to the track.

While playing a song click the menu button and the menu options include “Lyrics”. The full lyrics will be shown on screen.

Use this with care if you are listening with earbuds on public transport. Your singing probably sounds better to you than to your fellow passengers.

Apple Music Tips

The Apple Music App has so many features for you to explore. These Apple Music tips are just the start. Search the menus, icons, and tabs for more secrets.

To get more out of your smartphone, click here.

And don’t forget, all EE customers get 6 months free Apple Music.  If you haven’t got yours already, just text MUSIC to 150.  Works for iPhone and Android users.

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