
5 Great Apps to Shift some Unwanted Christmas lbs

LOSEITIt’s that time of year when many of us are on a mission to lose some weight, get fitter and eat more healthily. If, like us, you need a bit of help to maintain your momentum, then you may find these apps useful to keep those New Year’s resolutions and to stop yourself from falling off the wagon. Here are five of our favourites.

Lose It! (Android, iOS – Free)

There are lots of different things you can do with the Lose It app which means you shouldn’t get bored easily and it will offer enough motivation to stop you raiding the fridge. Input your details and Lose It will customise a weight loss plan just for you and you can set yourself a variety of different goals to achieve such as lose weight, reduce body fat, improve your hydration, get better quality sleep and keep track of any exercise you do. There’s a decent database of different foods and calorific content so you can track the calories you’re eating as well as the option to scan the barcode of food for quick recording. It also features a recipe builder, meal and exercise planning and nutritional know-how. Lose It also integrates with a great range of apps and wearables to make life easier.

Diet Point (Android, iOS – Free)

If you prefer the short and sharp method of shifting some extra weight, then Diet Point could be the app for you. Described as a weight loss coaching app, Diet Point features 130 different weight loss plans with the usual tracking of calories, exercise as well as creating shopping lists for you depending on what plan you want to follow. All you have to do it choose what plan you want to follow according to the foods you like and your life style and then Diet Point will create a personalised eating plan with an estimate of how much weight you could lose. There are meal and snack reminders so you don’t go hungry and an online community to keep up your morale and help to motivate you.

MyFitnessPal (Android, iOS – Free)

Probably the most well-known and well-used of the diet and weight loss apps is MyFitnessPal (MFP). With a whopping 4 million plus foods in its database, MFP is a fool-proof way of keeping tabs on how many calories you’re consuming every day. MFP also integrates with other health and fitness apps including Apple’s Healthkit and you can input what you eat into your daily diary in a matter of seconds. Other great features include exercise tracking with many pre-loaded types of exercise so you can work out how many calories you are burning, a recipe calculator, goal-setting and the option to connect with friends if you fancy a bit of a challenge.

Low Fat Recipes (iOS – Free)

This is a great app packed full of recipes which will help you lose weight. Even better it offers a great choice of recipes to suit all sorts of health conditions and dietary preferences such as vegetarian, diabetic, dairy-free etc. There are meal options for children, those on a budget or even when you want to splurge on a meal whilst keeping it fairly low in calories. The recipe finder is handy to use up any odd bits of food and you can also look up recipes which include particular ingredients.

Superfood (Android, iOS £0.69)

Ideal if you’re on a health kick and want to look and feel better as well as lose a bit of weight. Learn about the latest Superfoods as well as the well-known ones and plan your daily meals to help you feel on top of the world. There are more than 300 Superfood-containing recipes, help with any health ailments which can be improved through your diet and nutritional information so you know exactly what vitamins and minerals you are eating.

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