
EE to be first in the world to range OnePlus 5G smartphone

EE will launch the OnePlus 5G smartphone before anyone else

World-first as EE confirm they will launch the OnePlus 5G smartphone EE were the first network in the UK to launch 4G and in 2019 they want to repeat the achieivement with 5G.  A 5G network is going to need a range of 5G-compatible smartphones though, so manufacturers are gradually dropping hints or official announcements … Read more

EE is Bringing 5G to 16 UK Cities in 2019

EE 5G launch starts in 2019

2019 is officially going to be the year 5G starts to roll-out across the UK. EE have announced they are launching 5G within 16 UK cities during 2019, starting with the busiest locations across London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast, Birmingham and Manchester as phase one of their launch. EE have chosen the busiest areas in the … Read more